Man, have we neglected our poor blog. It looks like life just got in the way.
Raye's dad passed (May 6th) away after a long battle. It was hard to see him suffer so much and was a blessing and a relief to see him go. Raye (and the girls) spent a tremendous amount of time visiting with him and caring for him. One day, toward the end, Chelsea and Lane were visiting and called and said that we should get there now. A blessing was given, followed by another the next day and he passed away shortly afterwards. Funerals are never great, but it was wonderful to have all of the family come into town. I counted one night, we had 46 people at our house. The service was held in Payson and he was buried in Pleasant Grove, next to Mark and only a few feet away from our beautiful Becca.
Jessica graduated from PG High and it was a great day for all of us. She looked splendid in her cap and gown and thanks to her friend Amy, made it through without a hitch. In June she was asked by the Miss Pleasant Grove people if she would ride in the Strawberry Days Parade on the float with them. It was awesome!! She was dressed in white with a crown on her head and doing the pageant "wave" all along the parade route. We are constantly overwhelmed by the goodness of the people around her.
This summer has been one of surprises. Laura spent some time in North Carolina with her beau. He will be a senior at BYU this fall and is working in the Raleigh area for the summer. In order to save money, she purchased a stand-by ticket. If anyone is ever considering such a cost saving move...please talk to her first.
Kristina and Aaron and the boys have been in Kansas for some time working with Raye's brother Rick. We thought they would only be staying a short while. If Raye has to go very much longer without seeing Ty and Zack...there may be a problem.
Chelsea and Lane went to Bear Lake with Lane's family for the 4th and so it is kind of lonely around here. Laura took Caleb, Jessie, Jordan and Abby to the movies this afternoon and we are not used to the quiet. Jordan, Abby and I went fishing this morning (caught nothing) and we will fire up the grill later and cook ribs before going to see fireworks.
Happy 4th to all...