As long as I can remember, Raye's father has suffered with Parkinson's Disease. It started with tremors and has progressed now to the point where he needs help to do even even the most basic things. About 6 months ago it also began to effect his mind. He sees and hears things that aren't there and conversations with him take unexpected turns.
He is now 82, still at home and recieves hospice care. I am glad that we are as close as we are and that Raye can spend time with him. This week he fell and we thought he may have broken some ribs. The xrays were negative, but the pain has rendered him even less mobile than before. To complicate matters, he has developed pnuemonia. If he improves, we are hoping to have him stay with us next weekend so that Betty can get a break. We hope that his remaining days, however long that may be, will be as comfortable as possible and filled with love.
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