What a wonderful time we have had over the last few weeks. Mom and Dad came out on the 15th and we have enjoyed having them here with us. They are returning to NC tomorrow and we will really miss them. Karl and Diana visited for a few days from Pennsylvania and that was nice as well. The Sunday before Christmas, we went to the Conference Center for the Tabernacle Choir Broadcast. It was a special treat for my parents. We have enjoyed all of the days filled with family and friends. Here is a partial lists of the things we did over the last month:
1 Funeral for Sis Webb (Hilary Weeks can really sing)
2 Shopped
3 Was laid off from work
4 Shopped
5 Wrapped Presents
6 Took TRAX to Temple Square with the entire family....way too many people had the same idea
7 Deseret Book, Deseret Book
8 Watched Bowl Games
9 Played new games on the WII
10 Watched Steel Magnolias and Julie and Julia with my mom
11 Set up new emails and synched them with my new My Touch
12 Went to the Temple
13 Ate, Ate and then Ate some more
14 Long walks with Dad and Mom on cold December mornings (gonna miss that)
1 comment:
Hey glad you guys had a great Christmas!! Didn't know Karl and Diana were in town, sad that we werent able to see them, but good to hear you guys were able to spend time together!! How was Julie and Julia?? The chef within me wants to see it pretty badly..
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